Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The first night, and healthy sexuality

What should you do for your first night?

Take a deep breath, keep in mind this is the first merger is important to remember that good.

Rough and unsafe starting their first sexual experience, will form the basis of marital problems to occur, doctors can give an idea about being kind and considerate towards each other spouse. Mutual trust in all areas of life, graciously start, stayed on sexuality happy waits a delicacy beyond courtesy ...

What to do,

· The first night you talking about plans in advance of the first night before, feel free to do your research. Do not believe all you hear on the Internet and the garrulous people.

· Quantity last major release of our business as our society. Sexual health education that is given to us by the best man for an hour before sexual intercourse. Pre-nuptial know that one hour is not enough and accurate sex education you receive from the best man. Make an appointment before the first night without getting bored about these issues with your doctor if you have concerns.

· Take care of your cleaning. For Example; often is the first merger after a wedding. It all is the rust of the ceremony will be sweat on you, be sure to clean and take your shower will relax you.

· It AmAyAcAksInIzdIr desire to fit in a small private wedding room the first night. No one other than you should not be the first night of your home. Talk between the maiden issue, with other family members about this issue yourself, you feel obliged to give information. This will relieve you very much.

· Wait Psychologically, when you feel ready. The first night of the wedding does not necessarily have to be at night. The couple should be ready for sexual intercourse. Be prepared to be ready for sexual intercourse does not mean that the merger. Sexual contact you should not be hasty.

· The longer the duration of foreplay before sexual intercourse is natural and helpful.

· Women's normal to be nervous at first sexual experience, men should demonstrate understanding. Men love with words, it is possible to reassure his wife with a loving glance.

· More normal to be nervous at first sexual experiences of men. The result of this tension has not won in men or not sustainable will emerge as hardness. Male erectile dysfunction is recommended when pulled more touching the woman's husband. Women are asked to address the control of foreplay. Women are stronger than men stated that sexual orientation should note that lied about it. Of course, your partner not believe what you see but what you hear approaching with prejudice. Continue to support your partner, make sure it would need support, do not be fooled I got to be your partner.

· Remember that you will have noticed by different things. Sexuality is like double-drive car, do not think you have an accident if you leave your control hand. Control sometimes male, sometimes taking the woman's natural and necessary.

· Do not try to be perfect, to work for it.

· Do not be hasty when trying to set up your Harmonisation and your dose.

· A life you should spend your first night you will be thinking of each other.

· Problems of your sexual happiness in your work just messing with your relatives do not forget that interests you.

· Do not hesitate to get professional support.

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