Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Yogurt next to the fish inedible ?? like the fact that not any accuracy, but today the ongoing false beliefs vardır.Belde the yogurt yenmes next to the fish as legend would not be much of a loss, but superstition in the zehirlemez. but sexuality a new one or myths unfortunately they do the devastating effects and sexual life of poison in the formation of edebilirler.cinsel problem or both sexual desire sezmiştir.h the obvious negative effects vardır.Örneğin says in one scenario kuralım.b team a while to feel ready for the fact that evening sexuality because of their daily worries and male partner take it or wanted to make love to his wife because it believes that the right of the start of the sexuality of the woman speaks not say that. Although he felt himself tired and confused to break his wife likes a lot and have initiated sexual intercourse to protect their masculinity. Erect during sexual intercourse even now it has lost its hardness often. He is always ready to have sex with that man, that it is a success, the need to harden the strong penis during lovemaking, that they should remain constant during intercourse the penis hardens once hard. These wounds of the masculinity did not notice, and now one side to himself sexuality almost eyeing him almost making love and not cause his mind I think that the poor do I questions geçmektedir.ka You also have difficulty in hardening of the man's penis like him the difference whether now man. Her face was hung. Even saw that contemplative men think that another woman had in mind. Because women have that men of every moment must be ready to have sex, hardening but felt the man's wife as of the phrase wife's men realized in the face of inanmaktadır.kad will be lost by lost interest in proven failure by seeing happy not. Now men insufficient fails, it fails women and men can not bind itself and a poor woman. Men can not open the feelings of women because men are stronger and should not their feelings. Women also can not be sure yet silent. This petting Incorpo bitmiştir.oys sexual intercourse with each physical contact should end with a cum and orgasm. The next sexual intercourse experience a full fiyaskodur.çünk now naked body are unable to detect it though spirits, though not ready to take the double pleasure of sexuality and body are very close hazırlanmaktadır.çıplak exam is very far away.

FREQUENT misconceptions:

Men always want sex and is always ready to have sex.
Sexual intercourse should always start men.

If the woman initiates sexual intercourse indicates that this woman is horny and dangerous.

Petting equals intercourse, it is not so important for the activity outside.

When the man's penis to harden must be discharged as soon as (preferably into the vagina).

Petting should always be natural and spontaneous, talk or think about making love destroys him.

All physical contact must be completed with intercourse.

Men should indicate their feelings.

Every man should know how to give pleasure to every woman.

But it would be nice to have an orgasm with sex both spouses together.

If the spouses love each other, they know how to enjoy their having sex together.

Instinctively what the other of the spouses in sexual intercourse and think they know what they want.

Masturbation is bad and harmful.

During sexual intercourse, masturbation is wrong.

The loss of erection penis man his wife during sexual intercourse means that the attractive.

Up fantasies during sexual intercourse is wrong.

Male or female sex can not say no.

There are clear and precise rules on what is normal during sex.

Sexual intercourse should always be checked at the time of men.

Male sexuality must always be experienced.

The petting active women and men should take a passive role during sexual intercourse.

Men are always reach orgasm faster than women.

Men's husband is innocent and holy, more fulfilling and satisfying sex should be done with more prostitutes.

Generally women who are insatiable sexual fantasy life during sexual intercourse.

Of the marriage relationship masturbation indicates that one of the spouses go well.

Do not hold mutual masturbation can never replace the pair of sex.


It is necessary to be a modern woman to orgasm.

Modern women's sexuality is started.

Modern woman who lived in pre-marital sex is.

The spouse plenty to inform women during sexual intercourse to be the modern woman, so it is necessary to mention that turns what dislike what.


Menopause (cessation of units) causes a sudden decrease in the woman's sexual desire.

Decreased sexual desire in women during pregnancy.

Harm to the child to be born sexual intercourse during pregnancy.

Menstrual period, women are not comfortable being approached them.

The hardening of the penis must be discharged.

Men and women 60 years after they lose interest in sex.

To have an orgasm at the same time men and women shows that men early discharge.

Men should be able to orgasm during every sexual intercourse his wife.

The relationship between the spouses is often sexual intercourse shows that successful.

Men always desire more often than women in sexual intercourse.

The bigger the penis becomes so saturated transmitter for female sexual intercourse.

A woman can not reach the uterus surgically taken longer orgasms.

Misconceptions about vaginismus

Phallus (penis), female sexual organ (vagina) is big enough not to get into the.

In the first entry of the penis into the vagina becomes very strong pain.

In the first entry of the penis into the vagina becomes excessive bleeding.

If men want to necessarily induced sexual intercourse, so you need to approach it is unable to sexual intercourse.

If prolonged process results in an inability to enter into a sexual relationship marriage divorce.

The appearance of the genitals is repulsive.

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